Thursday, April 9, 2009

Carl Joseph Walker Hoover

He was 11 years old and in the 6th grade. He was bullied and taunted everyday at school by his peers. He was called "gay" and "fag" and ridiculed because of the way he dressed.

Two days ago he had had enough, went upstairs to his room, and using an electric extension cord, hanged himself. His mother discovered his body.

When I read this article today, I was filled with many feelings and emotions. Shock, disbelief, sadness, fear, anger... I related to this story on a personal level. And I was frightened.

It was not that long ago that my own son was being taunted and bullied everyday at school; being called "gay" and "fag" and coming home every day in tears. He would ask me to not make him go back to school. He was 12 years old.

While the similarities are hard to ignore, my son's story did not end in tragedy. We were fortunate to have a responsive school counselor that worked with us and addressed the situation.

But delighting in our good fortune seems insensitive when I know that tonight in Massachusetts there is a mother whose son is dead. She won't be checking on him in his bed or kissing him goodnight. And my heart is broken for her.

How many more children must be tormented and bullied to death before we say enough is enough? How many more mother's must lose their children forever?

Isn't enough enough?

Rest in Peace Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover

Gay and Questioning youth are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight counterparts. For more information contact

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine how the parents of the bullies must feel? People raise monsterous children and half the time don't even feel remorse because they are just as bad, if not worse. What is this world coming to? Poor child.