Monday, April 27, 2009

Miss Bailey Sutton

This morning, April 27, 2009, at approximately 3:20 am, I lost a very special friend. Miss Bailey Sutton.
Bailey was beautiful. She had the sweetest brown eyes and the kindest face. Every time I saw her she filled me with warmth and happiness.
Sometimes Bailey would play with me , sometimes she would just sit by me. But always she gave me love.
Bailey was the beagle daughter of my sweet framily Brian and Robbie and my heart aches with and for them.
Bailey had a musical bark that I just loved. It was music to my ears as she greeted me with it and ALWAYS made me feel welcome. She had this cute little way of begging -Brian and Robbie call it 'Kangaroo Paws'. And she was so smart! She had a comprehension of language beyond that of most dogs! She tolerated being dressed up, she even allowed me to put a tiara on her. She was the worlds greatest baby turtle finder! And she knew how to unwrap presents! Not just tear them apart, actually unwrap the paper. It was amazing. She was amazing.
She loved her 'babies' (toys) and loved to play fetch. She loved her Dingo bones. She loved to take walks. She loved her special place on the back of the chair where she could see out the front window or take a nap. She loved her sister Bessie. She loved her Papa and Daddy. She loved everyone she met, and they could not help but love her.
I saw her for the last time yesterday, around 5pm. Little did any of us know she would only be with us for less than 12 more hours. She greeted me with her music and gave me puppy kisses and snuggles and followed me out to the backyard. She helped me open my birthday gift! She seemed perfectly perfect.
Bailey gave me a wonderful gift yesterday - a blessing really - time spent with her. I was able to love on her and get loved by her, one last time.
Bailey brought sunshine and comfort when times were dark and she gave love unconditionally to everyone she met.
I love you Bailey. I miss you.

Puppy Kisses, Auntie B xoxo

Friday, April 24, 2009


Finally it is Friday. My FAVORITE day of the week. And a very special Friday indeed!

This week found me swimming in many different pools of overwhelming feelings and emotions. Feelings of PROFOUND SADNESS at the news of yet another 11 year old BULLIED TO DEATH; FRUSTRATED by a scale that doesn't seem to recognize my diet and exercise efforts; STRESSED yet ENERGIZED by multiple responsiblities at the office; ANXIETY when I didn't hear from my children; PRIDE in watching my oldest at work; EXHAUSTION from the commute; APPRECIATED by coworkers on Admin Pro Day; in AWE of my daughter standing up for what is RIGHT on the National Day of Silence; THANKFUL for dear friends and family; HAPPINESS reflecting from my Dad's happiness; EXCITEMENT as I anticipate Dylan's performance in Evan's play tonight; GRATITUDE for all God has given me...

Today is a special day for my Zuzu's Petals! Zuzu became a member of the Wallace Family 5 years ago today on April 24, 2004! At a very dark time in my life, Zuzu's Petals (when she was a wee puppy we called her Zuzu's Piddles!) brought me light and love and hope and happiness. In the movie "It's A Wonderful Life", George Bailey finds the petals from Zuzu's flower in his pocket and his hope is renewed! MY Zuzu did much the same for me and continues to be my baby, my companion, my heater, my security alarm, my dust buster and my friend. Happy Adoption Birthday Zuzu! Mommy Loves You!!!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
smoochies, beckie

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Wow! What a busy 2 weeks it has been for the Wallace Fam!
Meaghan's Open House and Disneyland with friends, Clogging Performances, Peepa Ralph's surgery, Evan and Dylan's rehearsals, David's travel to Boston and Opening Day for the LA Dodgers, work on Austin and Dennice's home, Meema's birthday, Easter, the USS Stockdale Commissioning...Whew!

On Sunday, April 5, 2009 friends and family from far and wide joined us at our home for our annual Spring Brunch - and this year it was a "Brunch of Fun"!
We were honored to have Miss MacKenzie, the Bon-Sutton Family, the Banta-Walsh Family,

the Fab Five from WeHo

and ALL SIX of our kids with us for the day!
Starburst Jellybeans, Mimosas and Cupcake decorating were just a few of the highlights of the day!

Easter morn brought the traditional Easter Basket hunt! This year the Easter Bunny was tricky and hid the baskets OUTSIDE! Once the baskets were found and contents examined, the Cinnamon Rolls, OJ and Coffee were consumed, we dressed and headed to the OC for more Easter fun! Dinner and an egg hunt along with a birthday celebration for Meema Wallace filled our day!

We finished off our OC Easter with a visit to Peepa Ralphie. My dad was taking it slow and easy following his surgery earlier in the week, and had been invited to dinner with his friend Roberta and her family. We stopped by Roberta's house to find a very happy Peepa and a very nice family!

Happy, full and tired we headed home to Rancho Cucamonga and our Beagles to eat yummy Easter leftovers and watch WALL-E together. It was a beautiful Easter Sunday!

Saturday, April 18, 2009, Mom and Dad joined us in attending the Commissioning of the USS Stockdale in Port Hueneme,CA. I was both honored and humbled to be present at the ceremony. This spectacular event brought me to tears as Admiral Stockdale's grandaughter, the Matron of Honor, made the pronouncement to the brave young men and women of the crew "Man Your Ship". Proudly the Officers and sailors ran to their posts aboard the USS Stockdale. As the steam was blowing, the guns were circling and firing, the F-16s flew overhead! It was a moment I will never forget. (I also won't be able forget my experience in the outhouses provided.) We enjoyed a tasty boxed lunch, bought some memorabilia, took lots of pictures and left feeling very proud to be Americans.

On our way home from the Commissioning, we found ourselves drawn to the outlets for a little shopping therapy!

It was a wildly busy two weeks filled with family, friends, joy, fun, adventure and love that will bring sweet memories to mind for many years to come!

Friday, April 17, 2009

National Day of Silence

Rev. Dr. Mel White to appear on Anderson Cooper 360 Tonight!

In honor of National Day of Silence, the Rev. Dr. Mel White, Founder of Soulforce, will appear for the second time this week on Anderson Cooper 360. The show is live on CNN this evening at 10pm EST. Mel White will be on the show together with Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover's mother. Carl was an 11-year-old boy who committed suicide on April 6th after enduring almost daily bullying, including anti-gay slurs. Carl didn't even identify as gay. The National Day of Silence brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Carl Joseph Walker Hoover

He was 11 years old and in the 6th grade. He was bullied and taunted everyday at school by his peers. He was called "gay" and "fag" and ridiculed because of the way he dressed.

Two days ago he had had enough, went upstairs to his room, and using an electric extension cord, hanged himself. His mother discovered his body.

When I read this article today, I was filled with many feelings and emotions. Shock, disbelief, sadness, fear, anger... I related to this story on a personal level. And I was frightened.

It was not that long ago that my own son was being taunted and bullied everyday at school; being called "gay" and "fag" and coming home every day in tears. He would ask me to not make him go back to school. He was 12 years old.

While the similarities are hard to ignore, my son's story did not end in tragedy. We were fortunate to have a responsive school counselor that worked with us and addressed the situation.

But delighting in our good fortune seems insensitive when I know that tonight in Massachusetts there is a mother whose son is dead. She won't be checking on him in his bed or kissing him goodnight. And my heart is broken for her.

How many more children must be tormented and bullied to death before we say enough is enough? How many more mother's must lose their children forever?

Isn't enough enough?

Rest in Peace Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover

Gay and Questioning youth are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight counterparts. For more information contact