Sunday, December 28, 2008


Christmas 2008 Wallace style was once again the Royal Rumpus we have come to expect.
With the Christmas Eve Party over, everyone headed back to their homes, and a few of our own kids at other folks homes, we began the gift wrapping marathon.
For the first time ever, we had help wrapping as we invited our 16 year old daughter Meaghan to join us in this holiday tradition that has kept us up until 4:00 AM in previous years. Meaghan cheerfully accepted the invite to help wrap, bow and tag gifts with her Popsicle and me.
With her help, and the help of our puppies and grandpuppies (right!) we were making quick work of this annual chore. Meaghan was finally so tired that she had to hit the sack with visions of sugarplums dancing in her head.
Along came Dylan to take over where Megpie left off, and we made quick work of this annual chore! We were done and cleaned up by 1:30AM! A Christmas Miracle!

Christmas morning came quickly, and the sleepyhead Wallace kids, Evan, Dylan and Meaghan, were up checking out their stockings. The Wallace beagles, Zuzu and Jack, joined in the stocking reveal as well!
Cinnamon Rolls, OJ and Coffee gave us the energy boost we needed and as soon as Austin and Dennice arrived the gift opening began!
Santa Pops passed out the gifts as I snapped the photos during the flurry of wrapping paper and bows. We dressed quickly, hopped in our cars and headed to the OC for more Christmas celebrating with the OC Wallace's.

We were met at the door by Meema Jetta and Peepa Gene, Leslie and Doug. Laura, Melissa and Chris arrived shortly after we did and the gift exchanging began. Ribbons were saved and thankyous were shared, making it time to eat the Christmas feast and what a feast it was! Ham, creamed corn, salad, stuffing, mashed potatoes, grandma's jello salad, rolls and pumpkin pie left us with very full and content tummies.
Following a win by the Lakers and animated conversations, we loaded up the car with our spoils for yet another Christmas stop!
We drove to Stanton where Peepa Ralphie had the champagne chilled and ready to enjoy! After admiring the new windows he had installed in his house, the gifts appeared as the wrapping paper disappeared! Christmas would not be complete without Candy Canes filled with M&Ms and White Linen from Peepa Ralphie!

With one last stop to make before we headed home for the night, we headed on over to Anaheim to deliver stockings for Bailey and Bessie and gifts for their Daddy and Papa.

A day filled with laughter and love, presents and paper, puppies and photographs, food and festivities, family and friends. A Wickedly Wild Wallace Family Royally Rumpified Christmas.
Wishing you the Merriest of Merriest!

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