I arrived at the office this morning to find the Ladies Room CLOSED. OUT OF ORDER. NO ENTRY. Why? Because the company has decided to install WATERLESS URINALS in the MENS ROOM! WATERLESS URINALS. I don't know about you, but the only thing that comes to mind when I think about WATERLESS URINALS is....EW.
Per the contractor overseeing the job these urinals are all the rage in Australia and Europe! And GRAVITY is what makes these WATERLESS URINALS work. They are made of high quality PORCELAIN and have a FILTER that must be changed once a month. ONCE A MONTH! EW! I will get back to you in a month or so to report the condition of our outhouse er I mean office. And did you know that Staples Center and Nokia Center both use these gravitational pull waterless urinals? Wow! Does that mean that the Lakers and Britney will be by our office soon? Oh, and they are planning on changing out the valves on flushing mechanisms on the toilets too! The new valves will assure that just the right amount of water is used for the particular flush job! Press #1 if you did #1, and press #2 if you did #2.
It isn't easy being GREEN.
FOURTEEN CHILDREN! Eight of them newborns! What is this woman thinking? She states that she felt the Nurses were 'spying' on her and telling HER paid nannies (She pays the nannies? With what?) to 'spy' on her and report her to Child Protective Services. In fact one of the Nurses did file a report. But unless I am mistaken, Nurses are MANDATED REPORTERS and if a MANDATED REPORTER thinks something is amiss, they must by law, REPORT!
I wish I could just shut off my curiosity about Nadya Suleman and her fourteen children. But I can't. Because deep down, my heart breaks for all of them. For her children and for her.I believe she needs more help than just nannies and free diapers and a bigger house. She need professional help. Of the psychiatric variety.
And the children? I am fearful for what the future holds for the children. So, I will stay tuned. To Crazy Stupid mom and her fourteen beautiful yet at risk children.
Those toilets actually work really well and are not gross at all. You should be proud your company cares to install them. Yup.
Yes, this conservative company I work for is trying to show that they care about the environment, so I applaud them there. But MY jury is out for at least a month to see if there is ODOR coming from the mens room. Hey! Maybe Octomom should install some of the waterless urinals at her house! 14 kids and most of them are boys! She could save the State of California a lot of money in water bills that the tax payers won't have to pay for her!!!!
Calm Down!
A number of upscale bars/restaurants in WeHo have the waterless and they are GREAT.
Deal with change!
I am trying to embrace it.
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