Recently a 'friend' on facebook sent me a message stating we should no longer communicate because our views are too "divergent" and the causes I support make her... "uncomfortable."
She should be uncomfortable. Suicide, bullycide, discrimination, inequality, civil rights....these are causes and issues that SHOULD make EVERYONE uncomfortable! Unfriending people and burying your head in the sand does NOT make these issues go away. And divergent? It is by listening to others and their 'divergent' views that we learn and grow. When we look at things from another persons perspective, with an open mind, we may find ourselves becoming enlightened. We may also find our own beliefs and convictions strengthened.
She concluded her message to me with "and are you involved with a church family?" Thank you for asking! I am involved with a wonderful church family - the GLOBAL church family. I love, serve and pray for this family everyday.
This is not the first person to unfriend me on this social networking site, nor do I believe she will be the last. It is interesting to me that in every case, every unfriending, has been at the hands of a person of faith. And I can't help but feel badly for them. For their sad, dark, small, fearful world.
This situation and each one before it and those yet to come have strengthened my convictions that I am indeed doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Loving, serving and praying for people. Lighting fires under people. Causing them to think. Sparking change in their world.
Let The Sparks Fly!!!